
  • 校园通
  • 协同办公






博士, 教授,北京大学数学科学学院 统计学,理学博士;美国华盛顿大学 生物统计系,会见学者。在Stat. Sinica、Jour. of Stat. Plan. & Inf.、International Jour. of Enviro. Res. and Public Health、Food Control、Enviro. Sci. and Pol. Res.等期刊上宣布论文四十余篇;主持国家重点研发计划-子课题,国家自然科学基金,全国统计科学研究项目等项目十余项 ?翁饴畚幕竦玫诰沤烊臣瓶蒲а芯坑判憬峁坏冉;指导的研究生多人获得“国家奖学金”和“北京市优秀结业生”。现任中国现场统计研究会高维数据分会理事,盘算统计分会理事,人工智能+食品宁静专家委员会委员等。












1.   特色食品全链条质量宁静特征危害评估和预测预警模型建立,国家重点研发计划-子课题,2020.1-2022.12,主持

2.   食品重金属评价模型的建立和应用,国家重点研发计划委托项目,2019.5-2021.12,主持

3.   互联网食品宁静危害分级评价模型的建立,国家重点研发计划委托项目,2019.5-2020.12, 主持

4.   食品宁静缺失数据填补与决策事件关联统计推断,国家重点研发计划委托项目,2019.1-2020.12, 主持

5.   基于深度学习的数据剖析和统计建模,企业委托项目,已结题, 主持

6.   食源性疾病爆发预警与统计剖析,国家食品宁静危害控制项目,已结题, 主持

7.   基于网络搜索数据的经济形势的统计建模与剖析预测,全国统计科学研究项目,已结题,主持

8.   通信系统的因果网络图以及相关的统计推断,教育部青年教师立异专项,已结题, 主持

9.   统计因果推断及缺失数据统计剖析,国家自然科学基金青年基金,已结题,主持

10. 统计因果推断及混杂因素,国家自然科学基金天元基金,已结题,主持



1.   Wang X L, Wu J P, Yu B J, Dong F, Ma D, Xiao G X, Zhang C, Heavy metals in aquatic products and the health risk assessment to population,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 22708–22719. (SCI)

2.   Wang X L, Zhang Y F, Zhang H, Li Y, Wei X F, Radio Frequency Signal Identification Learning Based on LSTM,Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, doi.10.1007/s00034-020-01417-7, 2020.  (SCI)

3.   Yu B J, Wang X L*, Dong F, Xiao G X, Ma D,Heavy metal concentrations in aquatic organisms (fishes, shrimp and crabs) and health risk assessment in China, Marine

Pollution Bulletin, 2020.  (to appear)  (SCI)

4.   Wang X L, Zhang Y, Geng Z, Liu Y, Guo L X, Xiao G X. Spatial analysis of heavy metals in meat products in China during 2015-2017. Food Control. 2019, 104(1): 174-180. (SCI)

5.   Wang X L, Zhang Y F, Zhang H X, Wei X F, Wang G Y. Identification and authentication for wireless transmission security based on RF-DNA fingerprint. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2019, 2019:230. (SCI)

6.   Gan H, Zhang H, Khan M S , Wang X L. An improved differential power analysis against random process interrupts. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2019, 42(2):127-131. (SCI)

7.   Li Q, Zhang H X, Zheng T Y, Wang X L. Maximum inner product method for extracting the path-loss parameters in primary transformer substations. China Communications. 2019, 16(4): 120-129. (SCI)

8.   Wang X L, Zhang Y F, Zhang X, Wang W B. Traffic Prediction for Wireless Cellular System Based on Shrinkage Estimation., 2019 2nd International Conference on Safety Produce Information (IICSPI). 2019, 108-113. ( EI)

9.   Wang X L, Zhou M Q, Jia J Z, Geng Z, Xiao G X. A Bayesian approach to real-time monitoring and forecasting of Chinese foodborne diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018, 15(8): 1740-1753. (SCI)

10.  Zhang Y, Wang X L*, Feng T. Analysis of spatial-temporal distribution and influencing factors of pulmonary tuberculosis in China, during 2008-2015. Epidemiology and infection. 2018, 147(25): 1-9. (SCI)

11.  Zhou M Q, Wang X L*, Zhang X, Wang W B. Spatial-temporal analysis of traffic load based on user activity characteristics in mobile cellular network. Proceeding of the International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications. Springer, Singapore, 2018. (EI)

12.  Khan M S, Zhang H X, Wang X L, Rahat U, Ibrar A, Sulman S, Qasim A, Muhammad Z T. A novel two-stage broadband doherty power amplifier for wireless applications. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 2018, 28(1): 40-42. (SCI)

13.  Wang X L, Wang J, Yang Y, Duan J B. Labeled LDA-kernel SVM: a short Chinese text supervised classification based on Sina Weibo. Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering. IEEE Computer Society, Changsha, China, 2017. (EI)

14.  Gan H, Zhang H, Khan M, Wang X L, Zhang F. An improved empirical mode decomposition for power analysis attack. China Communications. 2017, 14(9): 94-99. (SCI)

15.  Wang X L, Yu, D; Wang, Y.  Improving the estimation precision of causal effects by selecting covariates. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2016, 3305-3310. (EI)

16.  Wang X L, Zhou X. Some Results about Standardization for a Non-Confounder in Estimators of (log) Relative Risk. Communication in Stat-Theory and Methods, 2015, 44. 1497-1507. (SCI)

17.  Wang X L, Jiang, Z, Yu, D. An improved KNN algorithm based on kernel methods and attribute reduction. Proceedings 5th International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication, and Control, IMCCC 2015. (EI)

18.  Wang X L. Binomial Proportion Estimation in Longitudinal Data with Non-ignorable Non-response, Acta Mathe. Appli. Sinica, 2013, 29 (3): 623-630. (SCI)

19.  Meng X, Wang X L*. Collapsibility of odds ratios for a continuous outcome variable. Journal of Chongqing University, 2013, 12(2). 1-4.

20.  Wang X L, Chen H, Geng Z, Zhou X H. Using Auxiliary Data for Binomial Parameter Estimation with Nonignorable Nonresponse. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2012, 41: 1–11. (SCI)

21.  Wang YW, Wang X L*. The Homogeneity and Heterogeneity Hypothesis Test of the Relative Risk, International Conference on Business Computing and Global Information. Shanghai, China,Oct. 12-14, 2012. (EI)

22.  Wang X L. Binomial parameter estimation with non-ignorable missing data. Proceeding of the2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology. 2019-2022, Hangzhou, China, 2011. (EI)

23.  Wang X L. Conditions for uniformly non-confounding. Jour. System Science Complex, 2010, 23,796-803. (SCI)

24.  Wang X L, Gao L. Relations among homogeneity, collapsibility and non-confounding in distribution effects. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ, 2010, 25(3), 291-296. (SCI)

25.  Ding YM, Wang X L*. The Estimation Precision of Relative Risk in Causal Inference. The proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Probability and Statistics. Nanjing, China, July 28-31, 2010.

26.  Wang X L, Geng Z, Chen H, Xie X C. Detecting multiple confounders. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2009, 139(3):1073-1081. (SCI)

27.  Wang X L, Geng Z, Zhao Q, Qiao Q,Comparison between estimates of the potential proportion with and without standardization for a non-confounder. Statistica Sinica. 2007, 17(4): 1643-1656.    (SCI)

28.  Geng Z, He Y B, Wang X L. Relationship of causal effects in a causal chain and related inference. Science in China Seri A. 2004, 47(5): 730-740.  (SCI)

29.  Wang, X L, Cui, H. J. Local Linear Estimation in Presence of Auxiliary Information. Journal of applied probability and statistics, 2004, 20(2): 161-170.

30.  Geng Z, He Y B, Wang X L, Zhao Q. Bayesian method for learning graphical models with incompletely categorical data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2003, 44(1): 175-192.  (SCI)

31.  王学丽.生活中的因果关系和统计关系[J].中国统计, 2008(3):45.

32.  王学丽,李嘉森.我国近年数据挖掘研究剖析[J].中国统计, 2008(11):51-52.

33.  王学丽.数据挖掘与统计学的交叉[J].中国统计, 2007(10):56.

34.  王学丽,耿直.借助优势比信息识别不可忽略缺失数据的模型参数[J].数理统计与治理, 2005,24(3):56-63.

35.  耿直,王学丽,何洋波.基于因果网络图控制混杂的条件[J].中华流行病学杂志, 2002, 23(1):77-78.





来源:数学与统计学院    宣布日期:2020-11-25    阅读次数:
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