理学博士 讲师
2012年-2016年,于首都师范大学数学科学学院结业, 获理学学士
2016年-2021年,于北京师范大学数学科学学院硕博连读, 获理学博士
2021年至今, 于米乐M6数学与统计学院授课
主要科研项目:高维Cartan-Hadamard流形上平坦区域的等周不等式研究, 米乐M6青年教师科研启动基金, 2021.11-2023.11, 主持, 在研
(1) Chunxia Tao ; Reversed Stein–Weiss Inequalities with Poisson-Type Kernel and Qualitative Analysis of Extremal Functions, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2021, 21(1): 167-187.
(2) Lu Chen; Zhao Liu; Guozhen Lu; Chunxia Tao ; Stein–Weiss inequalities with the fractiona l Poisson kernel, Revista Matema?tica Iberoamericana, 2020, 36(5): 1289-1308.
(3) Lu Chen; Guozhen Lu; Chunxia Tao ; Existence of extremal functions for the Stein–Weiss inequalities on the Heisenberg group, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2019, 277(4): 1112-1138
(4) Lu Chen; Guozhen Lu; Chunxia Tao ; Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev Inequalities with the Fract ional Poisson Kernel and Their Applications in PDEs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2019, 36(6): 853-875.
(5) Lu Chen, Guozhen Lu, and Chunxia Tao, Reverse Stein-Weiss inequalities on the upper half space and the existence of their extremals, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 2019, (19)3, 475-494.
(6)Lu Chen; Zhao Liu; Guozhen Lu; Chunxia Tao ; Reverse Stein-Weiss Inequalities and Existen ce of their Extremal Functions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2018, 370(1 2): 8429-8450.