1. “地动波流传的保辛间断有限元要领及其数值模拟研究” —国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:41974114,2020.1-2023.12. (60万,在研)
2. “DNN(深度神经网络)地动波场正演算法开发” —企事业单位委托项目, 2021.6-2021.10. (15万,在研)
3. “求解地动波方程的间断有限元要领及波场模拟研究” —国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号:41604090,2017.1-2019.12. (20万,结题)
4. “求解弹性和粘弹性介质中地动波动方程的高阶间断有限元要领研究”—海南省自然科学基金青年项目,批准号:418QN205,2018.1-2019.12. (8万,结题)
1. “非通例油气介质中波流传的数学-物理模型及其求解” —国家自然科学基金重大课题项目,批准号:41390452, 2014.1-2018.12(加入、结题)
1. Zhou, Y., Lu, F., Ma, X., Huang, X., Wang, C., & He, X. (corresponding author) (2022). An efficient symplectic stereo-modeling method for seismic inversion by using deep learning technique. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 19(4), 750-760.
2. X He, C Qiu, J Sun. 2022. Discontinuous galerkin method for solving 2d dissipative seismic wave equations. Journal of seismic exploration 31, 153-176.
3. He, X., Yang, D., Qiu, C., Zhou, Y., & Ma, X. (2022). An Efficient Discontinuous Galerkin Method Using a Tetrahedral Mesh for 3D Seismic Wave Modeling. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112(3), 1197-1223.
4. He, X., Yang, D., Zhou, Y., Lei, Y., & huang, X. (2021). Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for solving wave equations in 2D isotropic and anisotropic poroelastic media at low frequencies. Geophysics, 86(4), 1-114.
5. Xijun He, DingHui, Y., ChuJun, Qiu, YanJie, Z., & YunFan, Chang. (2021). A parallel weighted Runge-Kutta discontinuous galerkin method for solving acousitc wave equations in 3D D'Alembert media on unstructured meshes. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 64(3), 876-895.
6. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Xiao Ma, Chujun Qiu, 2020, Discontinuous Galerkin method based on modified numerical flux for solving 2D seismic wave equations in isotropic and anisotropic media, Geophysics, 85(5), T257-T273.
7. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Chujun Qiu, 2020, An analysis of triangle-based discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic wave equation, Journal of Computational Physics, 418, 109630.
8. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Xiao Ma, 2020, A weighted Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for 3D acoustic and elastic wave-field modeling, Communications in Computational Physics, 28(1), 372-400.
9. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Xueyuan Huang, Xiao Ma, 2020, A numerical comparative dispersion-dissipation analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods based on quadrilateral and triangular meshes, Geophysics, 85(3), T101-121.
10. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Xiao Ma, Yanjie Zhou, 2019, Symplectic interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for solving the seismic scalar wave equation, Geophysics, 84(3), T133-T145.
11. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Xiao Ma, Chao Lang, 2019, Dispersion-dissipation analysis of the triangle-based discontinuous Galerkin method for scalar wave equation, Geophysical Journal International, 218(2), 1174-1198.
12. Xijun He, Xiaorui Yue, 2019, A high order weighted Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin method for solving acoustic and elastic wave equations in isotropic and anisotropic media, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 28(4), 363-391.
13. Xijun He, Dinghui Yang, Hao Wu, 2015, A weighted Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for wave field modeling, Geophysical Journal International, 200(3), 1389-1410.
14. 贺茜君, 杨顶辉, 吴昊, 2014, 间断有限元要领的数值频散剖析及其波场模拟, 地球物理学报,57(3), 906-917.
15. Zhou, Y., Lu, F., Ma, X., Huang, X., Wang, C., & He, X. (corresponding author) (2022). An efficient symplectic stereo-modeling method for seismic inversion by using deep learning technique. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 19(4), 750-760.
16. Fan, L., Yan-Jie, Z., & Xi-Jun, H. (2022, February). Forward modeling and inversion based on deep learning by using an effective optimal nearly analytic discrete method. In SEG 2021 Workshop: 4th International Workshop on Mathematical Geophysics: Traditional & Learning, Virtual, 17–19 December 2021 (pp. 105-107). Society of Exploration Geophysicists (集会).
17. Zhang, B., Yang, D., & He, X. (2022). A Unified Model Including Non-Darcy Flow and Viscoelastic Mechanisms in Tight Rocks. Geophysics, 87(4), 1-52.
18. J Wen, Y Cheng, D Yang, Z Qu, X He. 2022. Joint two-step inversion of porosity and saturation based on the BISQ model with mutli-phase fluids Geophysics 87 (4), 1-62.
19. Fan, L., Yan-Jie, Z., Xi-Jun, H., Xiao, M., & Xue-Yuan, H. (2021). Full waveform inversion based on deep learning and optimal nearly analytic discrete method. Applied Geophysics, 18(4), 483-498.
20. J Wang, Xj He, XP Dong, DH Yang, JS Li, XY Huang, YJ Zhou (2021). A modified time-space optimized symplectic method for solving 3D elastic wave equations. Chinese Journal of Geophysics 64 (11), 4150-4165.
21. F Lu, Y Zhou, X He, X Huang, Y Zhang. 2021. A low-dispersive padé approximation method for wave propagation in isotropic and anisotropic poroelastic medium. Exploration Geophysics, 1-16.
22. Qiu, C., Yang, D., He, X., & Li, J. (2020). A weighted Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for reverse time migration. Geophysics, 85(6), S343-S355.
23. Zhou, Y., Huang, X., He, X., & Zheng, Y. (2020). An effective method to suppress numerical dispersion in 3d elastic modeling using a high-order padé approximation. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 29(5), 425-454.
24. Chao Lang, Qiusheng Li, Yanjie Zhou, Xijun He, Rubing Han, 2020, A high-precision low-dispersive nearly analytic difference method with its application in frequency-domain seismic waveform inversion, Exploration Geophysics, 51(3), 355-377.
25. Xiao Ma, Dinghui Yang, Xijun He, Xueyuan Huang, Jiaxing Song, 2019, Nonsplit complex-frequency shifted perfectly matched layer combined with symplectic methods for solving second-order seismic wave equations: II. Wavefield simulations, Geophysics, 84(3), T167-179.
26. Xiao Ma, Dinghui Yang, Xijun He, Jingshuang Li, Yongchang, Zheng, 2018, A high-order scheme based on numerical dispersion analysis of the wave phase velocity for semi-discrete wave equations, Geophysics, 83(3), T1123-138.
27. 张金波, 杨顶辉, 贺茜君, 马啸, 2018,求解双相和黏弹性介质波流传方程的间断有限元要领及其波场模拟, 地球物理学报, 61(3), 926-937.
28. Dinghui Yang, Xijun He, Xiao Ma, Yanjie Zhou, Jingshuang Li, 2016, An optimal nearly analytic discrete-weighted Runge-Kuatta discontinuous Galerkin hybrid method for acoustic wavefield modeling, Geophysics ,81(5), T251-T263.
29. Wenli Cai, Ning Su, Xijun He, 2016, MHD convective heat transfer with temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity: a numerical investigation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and computing, 52, 305-321.
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